Surgery Department Jars


General Principles

Abdomen: GIT

03- Ileo-ileal intussusception which is still viable

07- Viable ileo-ileal intussusception with a polypoid lesion that initiated it.

08- Meckel's diverticulum

10- Meckel's diverticulum

13- Colon polyps

17- Perforated peptic ulcer of the stomach.

26- Viable ileo-ileal intussusception with a polypoid

30- Meckel's diverticulum.

37- Ileo-ileal intussusception.

69- Carcinoma of the lower rectum.

81- Acute appendicitis

83- Acute appendicitis


Abdomen: Hepatology

14- Chronic calcular cholecystitis.

15- Chronic calcular cholecystitis

25- Acute calcular cholecystitis with gangrene.

36- Multiple liver metastases

51- Normal gall bladder with a mesentery (anatomical variation)

58- Acute calcular cholecystitis with gangrene caused by a cholesterol stone.

64- Chronic calcular cholecystitis with a solitary cholestero stone.

71- Acute calcular cholecystitis with an impacted stone at its neck.

86- Acute calcular cholecystitis with gangrene.


Abdomen: Urology

27- Hydronephrosis due to pelvi-ureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction.  

28- Bilharzial cystitis and ureteritis with stricture of lower end of left ureter and hydroureter.

29- Hydroureter and hydronephrosis.

32- Hydroureter and hydronephrosis.

35- Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma)

39- Renal tuberculosis

45- Polycystic kidney.

47- Carcinoma of the urinary bladder

50- Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma)

54- Seminoma of the testis

56- Hydroureter and hydronephrosis

60- Neglected torsion of the testis that led to gangrene

65- Adenoma of benign prostatic hyperplasia

68- Carcinoma of the urinary bladder.

70- Cancer of the urinary bladder with back pressure effects (bilateral hydroureter).

73- Renal cell carcinoma of the lower pole of the kidney

75- Hydroureter and hydronephrosis

76- Testicular tumour, most probably a seminoma

79- Hydronephrosis

89- Testicular tumour, likely a seminoma.


Abdomen: Spleen

42- Injured enlarged spleen

85- Multiple tears of the spleen


Chest & Breast 

12- Aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta with thrombosis and pressure necrosis of thoracic spine

33- Breast cancer

55- Periosteal fibrosarcoma.

88- Breast cancer (the tumour is not visible as it lies within the mastectomy specimen).


Head & Neck 

05- Carcinoma of the tongue

52- Multinodula goitre

61- Huge multinodular goiter

62- Carcinomatous epulis with lymph node spread

82- Multinodular goitre

84- Multinodular goitre.

87- Multinodular goitre

90- Multinodular goiter



18- Giant cell tumour of lower end of femur.

19- Periosteal fibroma or fibrosarcoma.

21- Osteosarcoma of upper humerus.

22- Osteosarcoma of upper end of humerus.

34- Osteosarcoma of the lower end of femur  

38- Pott's disease of the spine with cold abscess.



23- Aorto-iliac atherosclerosis.  

41- Aneurysm with a laminated thrombus.

49- Saccular aneurysm



1-Epithelioma of the back of right hand and wrist.

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