Department of Surgery Jars

38- Pott's Disease of the Spine With Cold Abscess.

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Description Pott's Disease of the Spine With Cold Abscess.
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

This is a jar that contains one half of longitudinally bisected five vertebrae and the discs between them. Two adjacent vertebrae and the disc between them show necrosis and collapse that cause forward bending of the spine (kyphosis). There is also a collection of necrotic material anterior to these vertebrae.

Pott's disease of the spine with cold abscess.

Possible questions
Q. What are the types of TB of the spine?
Q. What is the usual age affected by Pott's disease?
Q. What is the usual site?
Q. What is the famous triad of Pott's disease of the spine?

A. Kyphosis (or loss of lumbar lordosis), cold abscess and paraplegia (10% of cases).

Q. Can this be an operative specimen?
A. No, this is a postmortem specimen because no operation involves the removal of whole vertebrae.



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