Department of Surgery Jars

26- Viable Ileo-Ileal Intussusception with a Polypoid

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Description Viable Ileo-Ileal Intussusception with a Polypoid .
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This jar contains a segment of small intestine that demonstrates ileo-ileal intussusception. A cut is made in the intessuscepiens to show the intussusceptum with its mucosal surface to the outside. At its tip there is a pedunculated 2 X 1 cm polyp with intact mucosal lining. The intestinal loop looks viable.


Viable ileo-ileal intussusception with a polypoid lesion that initiated it.

Possible questions
Q. What are the types of intussusception?
Q. What are the clinical features?
Q. What are the possible complications?
Q. Can this be an operative specimen?

A. Yes, because, even with viable intestine, this segment must be removed because it contains the predisposing lesion.

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