Department of Surgery Jars

25- Acute Calcular Cholecystitis with Gangrene.

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Description Acute Calcular Cholecystitis with Gangrene.
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This is a jar that contains an enlarged gall bladder that is opened at its neck to show an impacted 1 X1 cm stone with creamy white colour and a mamillated surface. The surface of the gall bladder shows dark brown and black patches. The wall of the body is opened to show that its thickness is about 1-2 mm.



Acute calcular cholecystitis with gangrene.


Possible questions

Q. Why is it a gall bladder?

A. This is a pear shaped hollow organ that has one blind end (fundus) and an open end (cystic duct). Furthermore, it contains a stone.


Q. What are the possible complications of acute cholecystitis?


Q. What is the treatment?


Q. Can this be an operative specimen?


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