Department of Surgery Jars

45- Polycystic Kidney.

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Description Polycystic Kidney.
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine



This is a jar that contains a bisected enlarged kidney. The kidney is full of multiple cysts of different sizes ranging from a few mms to 1.5cm. They are mostly bluish with thin wall. The pelvis and ureter are of normal size.



Polycystic kidney.


Possible questions

Q. What is the nature of this disease?

A. Autosomal dominant disease. It affects both kidneys and induces progressive parenchymatous atrophy that is caused by compression by the enlarging cysts.


Q. What are the possible complications?


Q. How does it look on an IVU?


Q. How to treat?


Q. Can this be an operative specimen?

A. Yes. Provided that this patient gets renal transplantation for end-stage renal disease, the polycystic kidneys can be removed if they cause hypertension.


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