Department of Surgery Jars

05- Carcinoma of the tongue

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Description Carcinoma of the tongue
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This is a jar that contains the tongue. Its dorsal surface reveals a solitary ulcer towards the right side. The ulcer measures about 5 X 3 cm with an irregular oval outline and raised everted edges.



Carcinoma of the tongue


Common questions that you may be asked

Q: What is the differential diagnosis of tongue ulcers?


Q. How to prove the diagnosis?


Q. What is the expected histological picture?


Q. What are the clinical features?


Q. What are the possible complications?


Q. What is the treatment?


Q. Can this be an operative specimen, and why?

A. Yes, this can be an operative specimen because the main line of treatment is to excise the tumour with a safety margin, together with the draining cervical nodes if enlarged.


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