Department of Surgery Jars

81- Acute Appendicitis

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Description Acute Appendicitis
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This is a jar that contains a distended appendix



Acute appendicitis


Possible questions

Q. How did you know that this is the appendix?

It is a hollow tubular structure that measures about 3 inches. It has a blind end and an open end and has a mesentery (mesoappendix).


Q. What are the pathological types of acute appendicitis?


Q. What are the possible complications?


Q. Why is acute appendicitis more likely to perforate than acute cholecystitis?

A. The appendix has a single blood supply (appendicular artery) while the gall bladder has double blood supply (cystic artery and direct branches from its liver bed). The appendicular artery passes within the wall of the distal appendix, that is why it is likely to get blocked by the surrounding inflammatory oedema.


Q. What are the classic clinical features of acute appendicitis?


Q. What is the differential diagnosis?


Q. What is the treatment?


Q. Can this be an operative specimen?

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