Department of Surgery Jars

70- Cancer of the Urinary Bladder With Back Pressure Effects (Bilateral Hydroureter).

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Description Cancer of the Urinary Bladder With Back Pressure Effects (Bilateral Hydroureter). .
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This is a jar that contains the urinary bladder and lower ends of both ureters. The anterior wall of the urinary bladder is opened to show an ulcerating necrotic tumour that involves most of the posterior and right lateral walls. The tumour invades the muscle wall but does not extend outside the organ. The lower ends of both ureters are dilated and have a probe inside each for demarcation.



Cancer of the urinary bladder with back pressure effects (bilateral hydroureter).


Some possible questions

Q. What are the histopathological types of urinary bladder carcinoma.


Q. What is the aetiology?


Q. what are the possible complications?


Q. What are the clinical features?


Q. How to diagnose it?


Q. What is the treatment?


Q. Can this be an operative specimen?

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