Department of Surgery Jars

19- Periosteal Fibroma or Fibrosarcoma.

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Description Periosteal Fibroma or Fibrosarcoma.
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

This jar contains one half of a vertically-bisected humerus with some of the overlying muscles. There is an apparently well-localized swelling that surrounds the middle of the shaft. The swelling arises from the periosteum but does not invade bone or the surrounding muscles. The swelling measures about 12 X 12 cm in maximum diameters. The cut section shows heterogenicity of colour with no evident necrosis nor haemorrhage.

Periosteal fibroma or fibrosarcoma.

Remember that a sarcoma may grossly give a false impression of being well-encapsulated.
Other tumours that may give this false impression are:
Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma)
Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid. This is a benign tumour but its capsule is defective with microscopic projections of neoplastic tissue into the surroundings. Therefore, simple enucleation is followed by recurrence.


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