Department of Surgery Jars

23- Aorto-Iliac Atherosclerosis.  

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Description Aorto-Iliac Atherosclerosis.  
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This is a jar that contains the aorta and iliac arteries. Thy are slit longitudinally to expose the intima, which is affected with multiple white patches and ulcerations.



Aorto-Iliac Atherosclerosis.


Possible questions

Q. Why is it an artery and not a segment of intestine.

A. Because it has branches; two terminal branches (bifurcation) and multiple branches along its course.


Q. What are the clinical features and possible complications?


Q. What are the indications and pre-requisites of surgery?


Q. Can this be an operative specimen?

A. No, because the surgical treatment of aorto-iliac atherosclerosis is not by excision, but by bypass surgery (aorto-bifemoral bypass).


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