Department of Surgery Jars

1 Epithelioma of the back of right hand and wrist.

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Description Epithelioma of the back of right hand and wrist.
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This jar contains the right hand and distal part of forearm of an adult. There is a solitary ulcer that occupies most of the back of the hand and the back of wrist. The ulcer measures about 15 X 13 cm in maximum diameters. It has an irregular outline with raised everted edges and necrotic floor that shows brown areas suggestive of blood clots.



Epithelioma of the back of right hand and wrist.


Common questions that you may be asked

Q: How to confirm the diagnosis?

A: By biopsy under local anaesthesia.


Q: What is the expected histological picture?

A: Squamous cell carcinoma. Clumps of malignant cells that invade the dermis with central keratin collection, the so called cell nests".


Q: Can this be an operative specimen?

A: Yes, in case the tumour has deeply infiltrated the underlying bones.


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