Department of Surgery Jars

51- Normal Gall Bladder with a Mesentery (Anatomical Variation)

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Description Normal Gall Bladder with a Mesentery (Anatomical Variation)
Author Department of Surgery
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


This is a jar that contains a segment of the liver with attached healthy-looking gall bladder with a mesentery. This is an anatomical variation and not a disease. If, however, this gall bladder develops stones the presence of a mesentery makes cholecystectomy easier than usual.



Normal Gall Bladder with a Mesentery (Anatomical Variation)


Possible questions

Q. Can this be an operative specimen?

A. No, this is a postmortem specimen because the gall bladder looks healthy and there is no need to remove it, not to mention removing an adjacent part of liver tissue.


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