Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Museum Specimens

8- Longitudinal Sections in both Lower Limbs

9- Inverted Humerus (Bone Growth)

12-Complete Skull

13- Longitudinal sections in the foot and the hand

25-Complete Pelvic bone

32- Two male-Sternal Bones

33-Two Females Sternal Bones

37- Skull of a Boy

40-Skull of an Adult Negroid Man

46-Skull of an Adult Negroid Woman

47- Longitudinal Section in the Upper Third of a Humerus

70- Anterior Abdominal Wall

72- Skin Containing Parallel Linear Abrasions

76-Thigh of a Young Victim

80-Human Bite

88- Homicidal Attempts

89- Homicidal Attempts

117-Chest Stab

122 Scalp of a Victim

159- Duramater with Extradural Hemorrhage

174-Cerebral Hemisphere

176-Two Cerebral Hemispheres

221- Skull Cap of a Negroid Woman

241- Skull Cap of a Female Victim

242- Skull Cap of a Female Victim

245- Perforated part of a Skull Cap

261-Complete Skull with the Mandible of a Male

290-Skull Cap with a Wide Transverse Oblong Gap in the Parietal Bones

292- Skull Cap with a Wide Oblong Gap in the Parietal Bone

298 -Skull Cap of a Male Victim Between 30 and 40 Years in Age

305- Complete Skull Without the Mandible

311-Neck of a Victim, with a Homicidal Cut Throat

329- Opened Heart of a Young Victim

340-Right lung of a Victim, with a Transverse Stab Wound

369-Duodenum with a Small Piece of the Stomach

379- Firearm Injury

383-Skin Showing Firearm Injury

388- Firearm Shot to the Chest

394- Firearm Injury Caused by Shots

395- Skin Showing Fire Arm Injury

400- Inlet and Outlet of a Bullet

401- Skull Cap, Containing Firearm Injury

402-Manubrium Sterni, with Inlet of a Bullet

403-Two Square Pieces of Cranial Bones, with a Inlet Hole of a Bullet

405- A Dolichocephalic Skull

407-Skull Cap of a Male Victim above the age of 40 years, with Firearm Injury

408-Chest Organs and the Stomach of a Stillborn Fetus

412-Chest Organs of a Case of Infanticide by Violent Asphyxia

421- Left Side of the Face of a Newly Born Infant

423-Head, Neck, Chest and Upper Limb of a Newly Born Infant

429-Case of Infanticide by Strangulation

433- Case of Infanticide by Head Injury

439- Case of Infanticide by Cut Throat

459-Piece of the Scalp, with a Postmortem Burn

469- The Stomach and Duodenum of a Case of Delayed Death From Bum

482-Skin of the Neck From a Case of Strangulation

491-Case of Asphyxia From Drowning

495-Case of Prolonged Submersion Under Water

502-Asphyxia by Choking

504-Asphyxia by Choking, due to Impaction of a Large Piece of Meat

558-The Uterus From a Case of Criminal Abortion

634-Victim of Corrosive Poisoning

644-Poisoning With Carbolic Acid (Phenol)

649- Acute Arsenical Poisoning

667- Kidney and Brain Poisoning

672-Green Datura Capsules

673- Case of Cocaine Addiction

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