Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

423-Head, Neck, Chest and Upper Limb of a Newly Born Infant

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Description Head, Neck, Chest and Upper Limb of a Newly Born Infant
Author Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

423 - Is showing the head, neck, chest and upper limb of a newly born infant, from a case of infanticide by smothering.

There are finger-nail abrasions and bruises around the respiratory orifices; and cyanosis of the lips and nails.

Note that the infant here is full-term and live-born (showing signs Of maturity and live-birth); also there are signs of asphyxia in the lungs, i.e. congestion and Tardieu spots (through the opened chest).

N.B. The small cuts on the face are postmortem wounds, made during P.M. examination to show the depth and extent of the bruises; and to differentiate them from hypostasis.

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