Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

117-Chest Stab

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Description Chest Stab
Author Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

117-  Is showing a small piece of the anterior chest wall, taken from the right side and containing the nipple, which denotes male sex; there is also a part of the right lung.

There is a transverse stab wound, about 3 cm in length, penetrating the anterior chest wall, about 4 cm below the right nipple; and passing into the right lung, which is appearing yellow in color with evidence of "Empyema".

The external wound in the skin is showing healing in most of its length; and also the presence of internal sepsis denotes that the victim lived after the injury more than one week.

This specimen demonstrates the severity of stab penetrating wounds, which are either cause injury to one of the deep vital organs; or introduce sepsis deep.


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