Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

242- Skull Cap of a Female Victim

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Description Skull Cap of a Female Victim
Author Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

242 - is showing a skull Cap of a female victim about 25 year of age (the parietal eminences are not prominent and the sagittal suture is just starting to unite ; as there is increased corrugations in its middle),

There is a triangular small localized depressed fracture (3X3X2cm) in the right parietal bone near the sagittal suture and at 4 cm posterior to the coronal suture.

The causal instrument here is a heavy blunt instrument having a triangular localized striking surface; and a considerable momentum (in this particular case it was due to the horn of an ox in a farm, which struck the victim's head).

Note the presence of bone erosion in the inner table around the injury, i.e. sepsis, denoting survival of the victim about 4 to 6 weeks after the injury; and the cause of death was intracranial septic complications.

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