Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

9- Inverted Humerus (Bone Growth)

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Description Inverted Humerus (Bone Growth)
Author Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

9 - Is showing Inverted humerus (i.e. its upper end is low-down), longitudinal sections in the distal end of the upper limb (i.e. the wrist joint) and lower limb; and a transverse section in the foot (present in between the sections of the wrist and the lower limb).    ?

The ossific centre of the upper end of theTiumerus appeared i.e. the age is above 1 year; but that of the lower end of the radius (present in the section of the wrist) did not appear yet; so denoting that the age is below 2 years, i.e. between 1 and 2 years. Note also appearance of ossific centers of the calcaneus (in the transverse section of the foot), talus and lower end of the femur (in the longitudinal section of the lower limb), which also became large in size.?

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