Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

290-Skull Cap with a Wide Transverse Oblong Gap in the Parietal Bones

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Description Skull Cap with a Wide Transverse Oblong Gap in the Parietal Bones
Author Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

290 - Is showing a skull cap with a wide transverse oblong gap in the parietal bones, radiating from it multiple fissures; i.e. a comminuted fracture.

The posterior edge of the gap and the edges of the fissures are showing smoothening i.e. healing, denoting survival of the victim for at least 3 months after the injury and suggesting surgical interference immediately after the injury .

Note also the presence of sharp irregular marks (i.e. recent marks) of bone nibbling forceps at the sides and anterior edge of the gap, denoting another surgical interference shortly before death of the victim, as there is no smoothening of these marks.

So this case could be explained as a comminuted fracture caused by trauma with a heavy blunt instrument having a wide striking surface and high momentum, then a surgical interference was done immediately after the injury; and the victim survived more than 3 months; then again he suffered from the presence of this defect (permanent infirmity), or received another trauma to this weak point; and a second surgical operation was done after which the victim died shortly

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