Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

298 -Skull Cap of a Male Victim Between 30 and 40 Years in Age

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Description Skull Cap of a Male Victim Between 30 and 40 Years in Age
Author Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

298 -  Is showing a skull Cap of a male victim between 30 and 40 years in age (prominent parietal eminences; and the sagittal suture is united, but the coronal did not unite yet). There is a wide defect in the right parietal bone, just posterior to the coronal suture. The defect is completely covered by a fibrous membrane, i.e. denoting complete healing and survival of the victim more than 1 year after  the injury. The absence of bone fragments and the presence of healing denotes that a surgical decompression operation was done after infliction of the injury, by mean of which the fractured bone was elevated and the edges of the defect was widened. So it is. considered an old depressed fracture. There is an old (healed) fissure radiating from the right side of the defect downwards.

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