Echinococuss granulosus (continue)

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
What is the commonest parasitic cyst which affects the liver?

IDevice Icon Objectives
  • To list drugs which treat this infection.
  • To know epidemiology, prevention and control of this infection.

IDevice Icon Treatment
  1. Surgical removal.
  2. PAIR i.e. Percutaneous Aspiration Injection (of hypertonic saline or other scolicidal fluid e.g hydrogen peroxide or ethanol) and Reaspiration. Cyst puncture is done under sonographic or CT guidance.
  3. Medical treatment Albendazole to be repeated up to 12 cycle.


                  → Praziquantel.

IDevice Icon Epidemiology

Infection with hydatid cyst depends upon:

  1. Intimate contact of human with infected dogs.
  2. Eggs dispersal and survival as transmission is hand to mouth.
  3. Eggs are obtained from the soil or fur of dogs or through vegetables and water.


IDevice Icon Prevention and Control
  1. Proper disposal of infected viscera in slaughter houses.
  2. Elimination of stray dogs.
  3. Periodic examination of pet dogs and treatment of infected ones by Praziquantel.
  4. Man should avoid dogs and prevent children from handling or playing with them.
  5. Protection of food and drink from being contaminated with dog faeces.

iDevice icon Cloze Activity
Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.
PAIR technique is done under or guidance.

IDevice Icon Transition
 Now you know every thing about hydatidosis, let us discover another parasite which has two life cycles.