Interactive Sessions

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A 35 years old patient from Kafr El-Sheikh complained of an intermittent fever, pain in the right hypochondrium. Upon examination, he had enlarged tender liver and yellow coloration of the sclera. Laboratory investigation showed eosinophilia. Stool analysis showed no eggs. The patient gave a history of contact with dogs.


a) What is your provisional diagnosis?

b)How can you confirm this diagnosis?

c) Mention two complications of this parasitic disease?

d) How can you control such infection?

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A female aged 40 years complained of haemoptysis, transient thoracic pain and shortness of breath. Radiology revealed a sharply contoured cyst of 10 cm in diameter in the lung. She had a history of contact with dogs many years ago. Surgical removal of the cyst was done.


a) What is the most likely diagnosis?

b) How can you assure your diagnosis before surgical treatment?

c) What are the complications which can occur during surgical removal?