Hymenolepis nana

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
 Do you know what the commonest tapeworm in Egypt is?

IDevice Icon Objectives
  • To identify parasite shape.
  • To describe the path of the parasite in human body.
  • To identify the diagnostic and infective stages.

IDevice Icon Geographical Distribution
  •         It is also known as dwarf tape worm.
  •         It is cosmopolitan, more common in warm climate especially with bad sanitation.
  •         It is the commonest tape worm in Egypt (especially in children), more seen in families and institutional groups. 


IDevice Icon Habitat

Adult lives in the small intestine of man, rat and mice (definitive hosts).


             Adult H. nana in small intestine

IDevice Icon Development of H. nana
  • Gravid segments detach and disintegrate liberating eggs (diagnostic stage) that pass with faeces.

                           H. nana life cycle
  • Then the development may takes one of the following two easy:

1. Direct cycle:

Eggs (infective stages) are immediately infective. When man gets infected, egg hatches in the small intestine and liberates onchosphere which penetrates the mucosa and develops into cysticercoid larva.

After one week, the cysticercoid returns to the lumen and develops into adult. Eggs appear in the faeces after two weeks.

In children, hyperinfection may occur due to autoinfection.

Infection spreads easily between groups of people living together because the eggs are immediately infective.

2. Indirect cycle:

Sometimes the egg of the parasite is eaten by flea larva or grain beetles (intermediate hosts) in which egg hatches, liberating onchosphere which passes to the body cavity where it develops into cysticercoid. Cysticercoid remains alive until the larva metamorphoses into adult flea.

When man gets infected, the cysticercoids nana (infective stage) are set free in his small intestine and develop into adult.

*In direct cycle man gets infected by ingestion of eggs through

                                                    Contaminated food and drink.


                                                     External autoinfection (hand to mouth).

*In indirect cycle man is infected by accidental swallowing of these insects with food.

True-False Question
State true or false:

 Infection with H. nana occurs as a result of ingestion of infected eggs in food only.

True False
IDevice Icon Transition
Let us discover what this parasite will do in your body and how to diagnose and treat it.