Hymenolepis diminuta

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
Do you know that man can be infected by a rat tape worm?

IDevice Icon Objectives
  •  To identify parasite shape.
  • To describe the path of the parasite in human body and identify the diagnostic and infective stages.
  •  To know the pathognomonic symptoms and signs. 
  • To diagnose, treat and control this infection.

IDevice Icon Morphology
  • It is also known as rat tape worm.

Click to see different stages.

IDevice Icon Habitat

Adult lives in the small intestine of rat, mice and occasionally man (definitive hosts).

IDevice Icon Development H. diminuta
  • Gravid segments detach and disintegrate liberating eggs that pass with faeces.

  • Eggs of the parasite are swallowed by flea larva or grain beetles (intermediate hosts) in which egg hatches, liberating onchosphere which passes to the body cavity where it develops into cysticercoid. Cysticercoid remains alive until the larva metamorphoses into adult flea.

  • When man gets infected, the cysticercoids are set free in his small intestine and develop into adult.

Eggs are the diagnostic stage.

Cysticercoid diminuta is the infective stage.


IDevice Icon Mode of Infection
Man and other definitive hosts are infected by ingestion of these infected insect vectors.

IDevice Icon Clinical Picture
  1. Usually asymptomatic.
  2. Occasionally mild gastrointestinal tract disturbances occur.


IDevice Icon Diagnosis

Detection of eggs in faeces.

                        H. diminuta egg

IDevice Icon Treatment

Praziquantel is the drug of choice.

IDevice Icon Epidemiology

It is a true zoonosis (an animal disease which transmitted to man), since the source of infection is mainly infected rats.


IDevice Icon Prevention and Control
Rodent control.

True-False Question
State true or false

Man is the main host in Hymenolepis diminuta infection.

True False
IDevice Icon Transition
What is the dog tape worm which can affect man?