General Characters

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
Is cestoda different than trematoda?

IDevice Icon Objectives
To identify the characters of cestoda.

IDevice Icon General Characters

1. Ribbon shaped hence the name tape worm.

Ribbon shaped adult

2. The length of the full parasite varies from few millimeters to several meters.

Adult Taenia                  Adult Echinococcus granulosus


3. Formed of scolex, neck and chain of segments (strobila):

· The scolex is globular with cup shaped organ of fixation (suckers) with or without rostellum provided with hooks which help in identification of the parasite.

Taenia solium scolex

· The neck is the actively dividing part forming the strobila.

· The strobila is a chain of progressively developing segments, consists of immature segments (lacking genital organs), mature segments (have functioning genital organs) and lastly the gravid segments which contain a uterus full of eggs.

4. Cestoda which is present in Egypt includes:

· Taenia saginata and Taenia solium.

· Echinococcus granulosus.

· Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis diminuta.

· Dipylidium caninum.

5. Man may act as a definitive host or intermediate host or both as in cases of T. solium and H. nana infections.

6. Intestinal cestodes include T. saginata, T.solium, H. nana, H. diminuta and D. caninum. While larval cestodes include cysticercus cellulosae of T.solium and hydatid cyst of E. granulosus.

IDevice Question Icon Multi-choice

Man can act as both final and intermediate host in the following parasitic infections:


Hymenolepis nana infection.

      Schistosoma mansoni infection.
     Taenia solium infection.

Fasciola gigantica infection.

IDevice Icon Transition
Now we will know what Taenia spp is and how it reaches your body.