
IDevice Icon Course Syllabus
  • This course is demonstrating some of the important parasites which are present in Egypt and belong to Class Cestoda (Tape worms) and the diseases which they can produce.
  • The course consists of eight main lessons:
  1. General Characteristics of Cestoda.
  2. Taenia saginata and Taeniasis saginata.
  3. Taenia solium and Taeniasis solium.
  4. Cysticercosis.
  5. Echinococcus granulosus and hydatid disease.
  6. Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepiasis nana.
  7. Hymenolepis diminuta and Hymenolepiasis diminuta.
  8. Dipylidium caninum and Dipylidiasis.
  • For each parasite, the following items will be dicussed:

Geographic distribution, morphology& life cycle, pathogenesis& clinical picture, treatment& epidemiology and control.

  • This is followed by quizzes and exams.

IDevice Icon Course Information

This course is presented by:

Dr. Abeer M Aly Mahgoub

Lecturer of Parasitology,

Department of Parasitology,

Faculty of Medicine,

Cairo University.


The course is designed for 3rd year medical students.


Aim of the course:

  1. To enumerate cestoda parasites which are present in Egypt.
  2. To identify their diagnostic and infective stages.
  3. To describe the pathognomonic symptoms and signs of each.
  4. To know the simplest, available methods of diagnosis.
  5. To enumerate the main lines of TTT with their precautions if any.
  6. To enumerate methods of control of these parasites.

IDevice Icon Course Material Book
  • "Manson's Tropical Diseases" eds. by "GC.Cook and AI. Zumla". Twenty-first edition, 2003
  • "Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases" eds. by "GT. Strickland". Eighth edition,2000
  • "Clinical Parasitology" BY "Staff Members of the Parasitology Department" Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, second edition, 2002-2003.