Dipylidium caninum

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
Do you know that a dog tape worm can affect man?

IDevice Icon Objectives
  • To identify parasite shape.
  • To describe the path of the parasite in human body and identify the diagnostic and infective stages.
  • To know the pathognomonic symptoms and signs. 
  • To diagnose, treat and control this infection.

IDevice Icon Geographical Distribution

 Worldwide, very common in dogs and cats.  It is also known as dog tape worm. 


IDevice Icon Habitat

Adult worms live in the small intestine of dogs, cats and occasionally man.


IDevice Icon Development of D. caninum
  • Eggs are ingested by flea larva of dogs and cats (intermediate host).
  • Onchospheres are liberated and transform into cysticercoids that remain till the larva become adult flea.

           Eggs are the diagnostic stage.

Cysticercoid caninum is the infective stage.


IDevice Icon Mode of Infection

 Man and other definitive hosts are infected by ingestion of these infected fleas.

IDevice Icon Clinical Picture
  • Often asymptomatic.
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhoea may occur.


IDevice Icon Diagnosis

Finding gravid segments or egg capsules in the stool.

                          D. caninum egg capsule                                            D. caninum gravid segment


IDevice Icon Treatment
Praziquantel or Niclosamide.

True-False Question
State true or false

Dogs are the intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum.

True False
IDevice Icon Transition
Now you know all about tape worm which can affect humans.