Quizzes and Solutions

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A female aged 35 years old complained of haemoptysis, transient thoracic pain and shortness of breath. Radiology revealed a sharply contoured cyst of 10 cm in diameter. She had a history of contact with dogs many years ago. Surgical removal of the cyst was done.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

How can you assure your diagnosis after surgical removal?

What are the complications which can occur during surgical removal?

Can sputum examination help in the diagnosis?

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A vegetarian patient from Cairo, was suffering from continuous muscle pains and fever. Blood picture showed high eosinophilia. Clinical examination revealed multiple swelling in subcutaneous tissue, easily palpated, each is 1-2 cm in diameter.
What is your suggestive diagnosis?

What are the other investigations to confirm the diagnosis?

How can you treat such case?

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A male aged 30 years old complained of severe headache, muscle pains, heaviness in his right arm and vomiting. Blood picture revealed eosinophilia. He gave a history of eating pork meat. He reported that he also suffered from diarrhoea, hunger pain and abdominal colic.
What is your suggestive diagnosis?

Do you think that eating pork meat is related to this complaints?

If yes how?

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During treatment of taeniasis, avoid treatment by Niclosamide, better Quinacrine Hydrochloride, particularly if the case is not differentiated or diagnosed by which species of Taenia.
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Taeniasis solium is more dangerous than taeniasis saginata.
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Differentiation between infections with T. saginata and T. solium.
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In hydatidosis, aspiration cytology is not preferable or it must be done cautiously.
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Hymenolepis nana infection is very common at school age.
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Dogs should be kept away from children.
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Sanitary breeding of pigs is necessary.
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Staining stool specimen by Ziehl-Neelsen stain.