Hymenolepis nana (continue)

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
Do you know what the commonest tapeworm in Egypt is?

IDevice Icon Objectives
  • To know the pathognomonic symptoms and signs. 
  • To know the available tools for proper diagnosis of hymenolepiasis nana.
  • To list drugs which treat this infection.
  • To know prevention and control of this infection.

IDevice Icon Pathogenesis and Clinical Picture
  • Light infection gives rise to no manifestation.
  • Heavy infection especially in children leads to abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea or vomiting. Nervous manifestations as dizziness, insomnia and convulsions may occur due to absorption of toxic byproducts of the worm.

IDevice Icon Diagnosis

Detection of eggs in faeces.

                                                           H. nana egg

IDevice Icon Treatment
  1. Praziquantel is the drug of choice. Treatment should be repeated after 10 days due to liberation of cysticercoid from submucosa into the intestinal lumen.
  2. Treatment of all members of the family at the same time, as the eggs are immediately infective.

IDevice Icon Prevention and Control
  • Personal hygiene, particularly in children.
  • Mass treatment.
  • Avoiding contaminated food or drink.
  • Elimination of arthropods and rodent control.
  • Environmental sanitation.

iDevice icon Cloze Activity
Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.
is the drug of choice in Hymenolepis nana infection.

IDevice Icon Transition
Now let us discover what the rat tape worm is.