Cysticercosis (continue)

IDevice Icon Anticipatory
Why is cysticercosis dangerous?

IDevice Icon Objectives

  • To know the pathognomonic symptoms and signs.
  • To explain why these symptoms and signs occur.
  • To know the available tools for proper diagnosis of cysticercosis.
  • To list the drugs that should be given to treat cysticercosis.
  • To mention methods of control.

IDevice Icon Pathogenesis and Clinical Picture

1. Common sites are brain, subcutaneous tissues, eye, heart or any other organs.

2. In these sites, cysts produce inflammatory reactions which usually end in fibrosis and calcification.

3. Patient may suffer from muscle pain, fever and eosinophilia.

4. Cysts in subcutaneous tissues are easily palpated and may resemble small lipomas.

                             S.C. cysticercosis chest nodule

5. In the eye, they lead to visual disturbances.

                 Subconjunctival cysticercosis                         Subretinal cysticercosis

6. Neurocysticercosis leads to variable neurological disorders.

Click here to see a rare case of tongue cysticercosis.

IDevice Icon Diagnosis

  • Intestinal infection with adult T. solium is suggestive.
  • Biopsy from a nodule in the skin or muscle.                                                                                               Section in cysticercus cellulosae
  • X-ray to visualize calcified lesions (spindle shaped shadows less than 2 cm).
  • CT (computerized tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance image), ultrasound and ophthalmoscopic examinations help to localize the lesions. Click here to see some imaging photoes.
  • Eosinophilia, intradermal tests and serological methods as IHA and ELISA.

IDevice Icon Treatment

i.   Surgical treatment if possible. 

ii.  Praziquantel for 15 days.

iii.  Albendazole for 18-30 days in active brain cysts.

iv. Simultaneous administration of steroids is essential to relieve the intense local inflammatory reactions of the antigenic material of dead larvae.

v. Vitamin D and calcium to help calcification.

IDevice Icon Prevention and Control
  • Proper washing of vegetables eaten raw (for salad).
  • Sanitary disposal of human excreta which should not be used as manure.
  • Pure water supply.
  • Early treatment of T. solium patients as food handlers and house keepers.
  • Good health habits and personal hygiene.

iDevice icon Cloze Activity
Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.
Cysticercosis is due to invasion of the human tissues by of .

IDevice Icon Transition
Now you had covered all aspects related to Taenia parasites infecting man. Next lesson will discuss Echinococcus granulosus.