Third Exam

IDevice Icon Third Exam

Question (I)


(1) Brain infection is an important medical problem.

a- Enumerate cestode infections that may affect the brain.

b- Mention the pathogenic stage causing these lesions.

c- Which one of them may be transmitted from dogs.

                                                                               (5 marks)


(2) Case:

A young youth suddenly complained of acute abdominal pain accompained by constipation. He was admitted to the Emergency Department of Kasr El-Aini hospital. He was diagnosed as a case of intestinal obstruction.

a- Enumerate cestode infections that may cause such condition.

b- What is the infective stage and mode of infection in these parasites


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                                                                                    (Total 9 marks)

Question II

(1) Compare between:

a- Treatment of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata.

b- The infective stages of Hymenolepis nana and Taenia solium.

                                                                                          (4 marks)

(2) Define:

a- Cysticercosis

b- External autoinfection

c- Intermediate host                                                                     (3 marks)

                                                                                           (Total 7 marks)

Question III

(A) State true or false and correct the false statement

1- Cattle is the intermediate host in Taenia saginata infection. ( )

2- Eggs of H. nana are immediately infective to man. ( )

3- Taenia saginata and Taenia solium eggs cannot be differentiated from each other.      (   )

4- Lung is the commonest site which can be infected with hydatid cyst.                    (   )

5- Flea larva of dogs is the intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum.         (  )

                                                                                                     (5 marks)


(B) Match


1- Intestinal obstruction                        a- Hydatid disease

2- Jaundice                                          b- Taenia saginata

3- Perianal itch                                     c- Dipylidium caninum

                                                         d-Taenia solium


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                                                                                                        (Total 9 marks)

* Good Luck *