First Exam

IDevice Icon First Exam
Question I


(1) Enumerate the larval cestodes that may cause disease in man. Name the adult parasite & the mode of infection in each case.                                                      (6 marks)

(2) Case: A young youth suddenly complained of acute abdominal pain accompanied by constipation. He was admitted to the Emergency Department of Kasr El-Aini hospital. He was diagnosed as a case of intestinal obstruction.
a- Enumerate cestodes that may cause such condition.
b- If the patient gave history of eating grilled meat, what is the possible parasite causing this condition?
c- Name and draw the infective stage in this condition.                              (3 marks)


                                                                                                    (Total 9 marks)


Question II


Compare between:

a- Mechanism of autoinfection in taeniasis solium and hymenolepiasis nana.

b- Egg of Taenia saginata and Taenia solium.

c- Scolex of Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis diminuta.                          (2 marks each)

                                                                                                          (Total 6 marks)


Question III


(1) Name only two cestodes which may:

a- be transmitted from dogs.

b- be diagnosed by imaging techniques.                                              (4 marks)


(2) Define and give one parasite example:

a- Intermediate host

b- Exogenous daughter cyst

c- Autoinfection

d- Cysticercoid larva                                                                      (6 marks)

                                                                                           (Total 10 marks)


* Good Luck *