Fourth Exam

IDevice Icon Fourth Exam

Question I

(1) Dogs should be kept away from children.

a- Enumerate cestoda infections that may be transmitted from dogs.

b- Mention the infective stage for each.                                             (4 marks)


(2) Case:

A patient, 20 years old, suffering from hunger pains and loss of weight. He passed white segments about 2 cm long with and without defaecation which cause irritation and itching in the perianal region. The patient is fond of eating roasted meat.


a- What is your diagnosis and causative parasite?

b- How can you confirm the diagnosis?

c- What is the infective stage?

d- How can you control the parasite? 

                                                                                                  (4 marks)

                                                                                              (Total 8 marks)

Question II

Compare between:

a- Mechanism of autoinfection in taeniasis solium and Hymenolepis nana.

b- Treatment of Taenia solium infection and Taenia saginata infection.

c- Diagnosis of Hymenolepis nana and Dipylidium caninum.                  (2 marks each)

                                                                                    (Total 6 marks)


Question III


(1) Name only two cestodes which may:

a- cause intestinal obstruction.

b- be treated with Praziquantel.

c-  inhabit human intestine.

d- be transmitted by contact with dogs.

e- can be diagnosed by imaging techniques.                                                    (5 marks)


(2) Define and give one parasite example:

a- Intermediate host                      b- Car wheel appearance

c- Autoinfection                                                                             (6 marks)

                                                                                                  (Total 11 mark)


* Good Luck *