Second Exam

IDevice Icon Second Exam

Question (I)


(1) Enumerate the parasites that cause autoinfection. Mention the infective stage in each of them. Mention the pathogenesis and treatment of one of them.                   (8 marks)


(2) Name only two helminthic infections which may be transmitted by:

a- Eating undercooked meat

b- Playing with dogs                                                                    (2 marks)

                                                                                           (Total 10 marks)




Give an account on diagnosis of hydatid disease.

                                                                                             (Total 5 marks)




(1) Case: A young lady entered the outpatient clinic complaining of intestinal disturbances accompanied by peri-anal itching.

a- What is the cestodes infection that may cause the mentioned complaint?

b- Name and draw the diagnostic and infective stages.                         (4 marks)


(2) Define and give one parasite example:

a- larval cestodes

b- egg capsule

c- cysticercus bovis                                                                          (6 marks)

                                                                                                 (Total 10 marks)


* Good Luck *