Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

443a-   Carcinoma of the cervix with malignant vesico- vaginal Fistula.

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Description Cancer Cervix
Author Gynacology & Obstetric Department
Copyright Cairo University- Faculty of Medicine

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Anatomical Diagnosis :
A specimen (sagittal section of the pelvis) shows:

- Uterus.
- Urinary bladder.
- Rectum.
- Sacrum.

Pathological Diagnosis :
- Irregular ill-defined mass in the cervix , infiltrating the vaginal & bladder walls.
- There is a track between the urinary bladder & the vagina.

Operative Diagnosis :
Post-mortem specimen.

Provisional Diagnosis :
Carcinoma of the cervix with malignant vesico- vaginal Fistula.

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