Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

340a- Multiple fibroid uterus (submucous & subserous).

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Description Multiple fibroid uterus (submucous & subserous).
Author Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

Anatomical Diagnosis :
A specimen shows:

Body of the uterus (bisected with a rod inserted in the uterine cavity).

Pathological Diagnosis :
- The uterine cavity is distended by single solid well circumscribed rounded mass with whorly appearance in cut section (one fourth of the mass was removed to show it's bed ).
- Thickened myometrium.
- There is a single small well circumscribed globular mass attached to the outer surface of the uterus (bisected to show the whorly appearance).

Operative Diagnosis :
Subtotal hysterectomy.

Provisional Diagnosis :
Multiple fibroid uterus (submucous & subserous).

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