Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Cervical Injuries
155- Annular Detachment of The Cervix
155a- Annular Detachment Cervical Laceration
Gynecology : Cancer cervix
180- Carcinoma of the cervix (cauliflower type) with pregnancy.
421a Cervical ulcer for differential diagnosis most probably carcinoma of the cervix
428- Carcinoma of the cervix (cauliflower type).
434a- Carcinoma of the cervix (Endo cervical type barrel shaped cervix).
436a- Carcinoma of the cervix (cauliflower type).
426- Carcinoma of the cervix (cauliflower type).
443a- Carcinoma of the cervix with malignant vesico- vaginal Fistula.
Gynecology : Choreocarcinoma
94- Invasive mole (Chorioadenoma destruens).
94a- Liver secondaries for histopathoiogical evaluation.
94b- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis.
95a- Uterine malignancy with bilaterai ovarian enlargement for differential diagnosis.
95b- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis.
95c- Uterine malignancy with bilateral ovarian enlargement for differential diagnosis.
95d- Uterine malignancy with bilateral ovarian enlargement for differential diagnosis(2)
95f- Uterine malignancy with bilateral ovarian enlargement for differential diagnosis.
96c- Uterine malignancy with bilateral ovarian enlargement for differential diagnosis.
96f- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis.
Gynecology : Endometrial carcinoma
445a- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
445b- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
446b- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
447- Uterine malignancy & solid ovarian tumour for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
448- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis perforating the uterus (Endometrial carcinoma).
449- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
451- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
454a- Uterine malignancy for differential diagnosis (Endometrial carcinoma).
Gynecology : Endometriosis
407- Adenomyosis for histopathological confirmation.
407b- Adenomyosis for histopathological confirmation.
412a- Adenomyosis for histopathological confirmation.
412b- Adenomyosis for histopathological confirmation.
414a- Adenomyosis for histopathological confirmation.
414b- Adenomyosis & chronic salpingitis.
415- Adenomyosis, fibroid & hydrosalpinx.
Gynecology : Fibroid
298- Uterine polyp (for differential diagnosis).
294e- Multiple fibroid uterus (Submucous & subserous).
302- Mass protruding from cervix for differential diagnosis (most probably submucous fibroid polyp).
306a- Submucous fibroid & ovarian cyst.
308c- Submucous fibroid with hyaline & cystic degeneration.
315- Submucous fibroid polyp & bilateral pyosalpinx.
340a- Multiple fibroid uterus (submucous & subserous).
366c- Broad ligament fibroid with red degeneration.
Gynecology : Uterine sarcoma
423- Multiple fibroids with sarcomatous degeneration.
Gynecology : Ovarian masses
195- Papillary serous cyst adenoma of ovary.
461a- Haemorrhagic cyst of the ovary for Differential Diagnosis.
463a- Serous cystadenoma of the ovary.
475c- Torsion of an ovarian cyst.
487a- Multi-locular ovarian cyst mostly serous cystadenoma of the ovary.
493g- Papillary serous cyst adenoma of the ovary.
510- Dermoid cyst of the ovary benign cystic mature teratoma of the ovary.
512- Malignant teratoma of ovary.
515b- Dermoid cyst of the ovary Benign cystic mature teratoma of the ovary.
534- Malignant solid ovarian Neoplasm.
509b- Malignant solid ovarian neoplasm.
496- Papillary serous cyst adenoma of the ovary with pregnancy.
499- Papillary pseudo mucinous cyst adenoma of the ovary.
507- Malignant solid ovarian neoplasm.
509- Bilateral malignant ovarian neoplasm.
Gynecology : Salpingo-oophoritis
286- Haematosalpinx for differential diagnosis.
284- Bilateral pyosalpinx & multiple fibroid uterus.
Gynecology : Infections
122- Chronic Inversion of Uterus
232- Bilharzial Papilomta of the Valva
232a- Bilharzial Papilomta of the Valva
232b- Bilharzial Papilomta of the Valva
232f- Advanced Carcinoma of the Valva
Obstetric: Birth Injuries
163- Fetal head birth injuries.
164a- Fetal head birth injuries.
166- Fetal head birth injuries.
166b- Fetal head birth injuries.
167- Fetal head birth injuries.
Obstetric: Placenta
79- Placental white & red infarcts. .
82c- Placentae of twin pregnancy.
84b- Placenta previa with cord prolapse.
87- Battle door insertion of the umbilical cord.
100- Velamentous insertion of the cord.
109a- Placental white infarcts.
81b- Placenta of twin pregnancy.
82d- Placenta of twin pregnancy.
Obstetric: Peurperal sepsis
157- Puerperal sepsis with parametric abscess.
158a- Puerperal sepsis with 1st degree uterine inversion.
Obstetric: Rupture uterus
116b- Complete rupture uterus (lower uterine segment).
117b- Infected incision of upper segment C.S.
124- Complete rupture uterus (upper uterine segment C.S. scar).
126- Complete rupture uterus (lower uterine segment).
141- Complete rupture uterus (lower uterine segment).
Obstetric: Vesicular mole
Obstetric: Abortion
22- Complete spontaneous abortion of 14-16 weeks gestation.
23- Complete spontaneous abortion of 14-16 weeks gestation.
37a- Complete spontaneous abortion of 14-16 weeks gestation.
31- Complete spontaneous abortion of 14-16 weeks gestation.
102- Complete spontaneous abortion of hydrocephalic fetus, about 14-16 weeks gestation.
27a- Complete spontaneous abortion of 14-16 weeks gestation.
19- Complete spontaneous abortion of 10-12 weeks gestation.
Obstetric: Ectopic pregnancy
181- Ruptured ectopic pregnancy in a rudimentary horn.
181b- Ruptured pregnant uterine horn.
182b- Ectopic pregnancy in a rudimentary horn.
195a- Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy.
196- Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy.
208a- Interstitial ectopic pregnancy.
209- Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy.
210- Haematosalpinx for differential diagnosis.
213- Haematosalpinx for differential diagnosis.
214- Ectopic tubal pregnancy (tubal mole).
215- Haematosalpinx for differential diagnosis.
197- Ectopic tubal pregnancy (tubal abortion).
220a- Ectopic tubal pregnancy (tubal abortion with lithopedion formation).
Obstetric: Hemorrhage
161a- Concealed accidental haemorrhage (Couvelair uterus).
161e- Concealed accidental haemorrhage (Couvelair uterus).
161f- Concealed accidental haemorrhage (Couvelair uterus).