Objectives of this module
After discussion of this subject you will be able to:
1- To know the importance of pathology in diagnosis of different diseases.
2- To select the appropriate method for tissue sampling.
3- To be able to write a pathology request for certain common cases.
4- To List and Choose the appropriate fixative for different specimens.
5- To identify the purposes of frozen section.
6- To list steps of tissue processing.
7- To identify some special stains and their role in histopathological diagnosis.
True-False Question
True False
True False
Surgical pathology is that part of Anatomic Pathology
concerned with the study of tissue and organ
samples removed from patients, either by biopsy
or through a surgical procedure.
True False
Cytopathology is the study
and evaluation of cells present in smears,
fine needle aspirates and body fluids.
True False