Department of Pathology (Museum)

U55-3 - Bladder Carcinoma; Ulcerative

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Description Bladder Carcinoma; Ulcerative
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


Bladder, one ureter and one kidney.


Gross Pathology :

1.     The bladder mucosa shows two malignant irregular ulcers, with raised everted edges and rough necrotic floor.

2.   The ureter is dilated show rough mucosa covered by purulent exudates.

3.   The kidney is slightly reduced in size, with irregular outer surface. The cut section shows reduced cortex, yellowish in colour (fatty change).


Diagnosis :

1. Ulcerative carcinoma of the bladder

2. Pyoureter.

3. Chronic pyelonephritis.

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