Department of Pathology (Museum)

U55-16 - Bladder Carcinoma; Polypoid

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Description Bladder Carcinoma; Polypoid
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


Bladder, both ureters and both kidneys.


Gross Pathology:

1.   The bladder wall shows a fungating polypoid greyish white mass with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. The tumor is projecting in the lumen and infiltrating the bladder wall.

2.   The bladder mucosa shows dirty yellowish granular patches (sandy patches).

3.   The ureters show small bluish cysts projecting from the mucosa (ureteritis cystica).

4.   The ureters, pelvis and calyces of both kidneys are dilated.

5.   The right kidney is slightly reduced in size, with irregular outer surface.




1. Polypoidal carcinoma of the bladder.

2. Bilharzial cystitis and ureteritis.

3. Bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis

4. Chronic pyelonephritis of right kidney

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