Department of Pathology (Museum)

R41-7 -Multiple Lung Abscesses with Superimposed Gangrene.

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Description Multiple Lung Abscesses with Superimposed Gangrene.
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


Sectioned right lung.


Gross Pathology :

1.  The upper, middle and lower lobes show multiple, variable-sized abscess cavities with irregular yellowish necrotic lining.

2.  A large bilocular cavity (seen at the lower lobe) has a black shreddy gangrenous lining.

3.  The covering pleura shows greyish white fibrous thickening and fibrous adhesions.

4.  The hilar lymph nodes are enlarged and show black anthracosis.


Diagnosis :

1. Multiple lung abscesses with superimposed gangrene.

2. Pleural fibrosis and adhesions.

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