Department of Pathology (Museum)

R36-2 -Lobar Pneumonia, Grey Hepatization of the Right Lower Lobe.

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Description Lobar Pneumonia, Grey Hepatization of the Right Lower Lobe.
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


Section in the right lung.


Gross Pathology :

1.  The lower lobe is grayish in color, swollen and consolidated.

2.  The cut margins are sharp denoting firm consistency.

3.  The covering pleura is dull, opaque and greyish due to fibrin deposition.

4.  The upper and middle lobes are collapsed with scattered black anthracotic spots.



1. Lobar pneumonia, grey hepatization of the right lower lobe.

2. Fibrinous pleurisy.

3. Anthracosis.

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