Department of Pathology (Museum)

R36-11 Lobar Pneumonia of Left Upper Lobe Associated with Abscess Formation and Fibrinous Pleurisy

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Description Lobar Pneumonia of Left Upper Lobe Associated with Abscess Formation and Fibrinous Pleurisy
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


Sectioned left lung (bisected).


Gross Pathology :

  1. The upper lobe is grayish in color, swollen and consolidated.

  2. The cut margins are sharp denoting firm consistency.

  3. A small abscess cavity (1 cm) is seen.

  4. The covering pleura is dull, opaque and greyish due to fibrin deposition.

  5. The lower lobe shows a small calcified focus (Gohn’s focus).


1. Lobar pneumonia of left upper lobe with abscess formation.

2. Fibrinous pleurisy.

3. Ghon’s focus of the lower lobe.

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