Department of Pathology (Museum)

D80-1 -Iliocoecal (entero-colic) Interssusception Associated with Gangrene

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Description -Iliocoecal (entero-colic) Interssusception Associated with Gangrene
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

Distal ileum, appendix and opened caecum.

Gross Pathology:
1. The ileum (intussusceptum) is invaginated into the caecum (intussuscepient).
2. The cecum is opened to show the invaginated ileum which is black and gangrenous.

1. Ileocaecal (entero-colonic) Intussusception.
2. Moist Gangrene Of The Intussusceptum.
3. Acute intestinal obstruction.

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