Department of Pathology (Museum)

D135-12 - Multifocal Hepatoma on Top of Cirrhosis

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Description Multifocal Hepatoma on Top of Cirrhosis
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

Section of the liver and lung

 Gross Pathology:
1. The cut surface of the liver shows multiple scattered rounded non-capsulated tumor masses.    
2. The rest of the liver shows diffusely nodular surface and the cut section. The regeneration nodules are small less than 1 cm, pale yellowish in color and are separated by greyish white fibrous strands.
3. The base of the lung shows scattered non-capsulated variable sized small yellow metastatic nodules.

1. Multifocal hepatoma on top of cirrhosis.
2. Lung metastases.

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