Department of Pathology (Museum)

C76-2 -Dry Gangrene of Left Foot (Senile Gangrene)

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Description Dry Gangrene of Left Foot (Senile Gangrene)
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine


Left foot.


Gross Pathology:

1.  The foot is black, shrunken and mummified with wrinkled skin (dry gangrene).

2.  An irregular groove (line of separation) is seen at the level of malleoli.

3.  The cross section of the anterior tibial artery in the cut section of the leg shows yellow thickened crescent due to atherosclerosis and an occluding thrombus.



1. Dry    gangrene   of   left    foot   (senile gangrene).

2. Atherosclerosis    and    thrombosis    of anterior tibial artery.

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