Department of Pathology (Museum)

C7-1 Rheumatic Endocarditis of the Mitral Valve with Stenosis and Tricuspid Valve with Incompetence

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Description Rheumatic Endocarditis of the Mitral Valve with Stenosis and Tricuspid Valve with Incompetence
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

A transversely cut slice of the heart showing mitral and tricuspid valves as well as parts of the atria and ventricles

Gross Pathology:
1. The mitral valve shows :
·         Stenosed (button hole) mitral orifice and thickened opaque fused cusps.
·         Thickened, shortened chordae tendineae
·         Hypertrophied papillary muscle (seen from the back of the specimen).

2. The tricuspid valve shows :
·         Thickened grayish white, opaque retracted cusps.
·         Widely patent tricuspid orifice.

Chronic rheumatic Endocarditis of the mitral valve with stenosis and tricuspid valve with incompetence.


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