Department of Pathology (Museum)

C40-8 -Healed Left Ventricular Infarct Accompanied by Formation and Rupture of Cardiac Aneurysm.

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Description Healed Left Ventricular Infarct Accompanied by Formation and Rupture of Cardiac Aneurysm.
Author Department of Pathology
Copyright Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine

Heart with open left side.

Gross Pathology:
1.  The anterior wall of left ventricle, apex and adjacent part of the inter- ventricular septum are replaced by thin greyish white fibrous tissue (healed infarct).
2.  This healed infarction shows ruptured aneurysm (cardiac aneurysm).
3.  Left ventricular shows greyish white subendocardial fibrosis.
4.  The pericardium over the infarct shows whitish fibrosis and adhesions
5.  Yellow atherosclerotic patches are seen on the aorta and the anterior descending branch of left coronary.

1.  Healed left ventricular infarct.
2.  Rupture of cardiac aneurysm.
3.  Pericardial fibrosis and adhesions.
4.  Atherosclerosis of aorta and left coronary artery.

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